Technical services

Testing and Inspection Services

WRD has full-fledged mechanical, metallurgical, NDT and electronics laboratories to carryout various types of tests conforming to national and international standards.

Weldability Evaluation of New Materials

WRD houses a wide range of equipment to assess the fabrication and material weldability aspects to enable defect-free welding. Determination of materials resistance to Hydrogen Induced Cracking, Liquation & Hot cracking, Lamellar Tearing etc. and optimization of welding parameters can be done. Facilities like indigenously developed Implant Test Equipment, Trans-Varestrain Testing, Elastic Restraint Rig, Lamellar Test Rig, Thermal Cycle Simulator (Dilatometer) are available for ascertaining phase transformation during cooling as well as the susceptibility of the material to cracking.

Mechanical Testing, Chemical Testing and NDT

WRD laboratory is well equipped to carry out the following tests as per applicable sections of various codes like ASTM, EN, IBR, BIS, ISO, AWS. API etc.

Non-Destructive Inspection

Essentially the non-destructive inspection is the technique of detecting flaws and deterioration in such diverse facilities as power plants, oil refineries and pipelines, chemical and fertilizer plants without having to damage or destroy the object being inspected. This inspection demands the intelligent applications of advanced technologies and must be executed by comprehensive inspection service, we at WRD/CMRDI are pledged to achieve the following goals:

    1. Requirements and insurance high reliability.
    2. Smooth process control and management.
    3. Planning and execution of safety management programs.
    4. Strict confidentiality of inspection documentation.
In performing inspections, we are careful to remain at arm’s length from our customer, ensuring that inspection personnel maintain the objectivity of a third party in executions inspections and diagnosis and in relating inspection results to clients. The maintenance of this position of neutrality is vital, we feel, to gaining customer confidence in the reliability of our work.